Don’t ignore your software updates!

Don’t ignore your software updates!

Although software updates can be annoying, they’re absolutely necessary for the health of your machines and your IT environment. And although it’s tempting to ignore them, or even necessary at (they always crop up when you’re busy, right?), do so can have a...
How IT can protect your reputation

How IT can protect your reputation

For organisations in the third sector, online presence is critical to its reputation and credibility. It’s a means of communicating with stakeholders, partners and crucially, those whom the charity serves. It’s also a valuable means through which to raise awareness...
3 ways bad IT hinders membership organisations

3 ways bad IT hinders membership organisations

We’ve spent a number of years working with membership organisations and associations. Experience tells us that the knock-on effects of poor IT cascade throughout the organisation and can lead to poor service, daily disruptions and ineffective operations. In our...
Charities: 3 Common IT problems & fixes

Charities: 3 Common IT problems & fixes

Organisations in the third sector face unique operational challenges – and that’s true of their IT too. While there’s common ground with other types of organisations, our experiences tell us that there are problems that charities and third sector companies face more...