For small businesses, staying safe online should be simple and effective. On January 27, our London-based IT solutions firm is going to be hosting a free webinar (register here) on that topic, offering advice on cybersecurity, particularly for SMEs. The seminar is based on the Government’s NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) guidelines, which are considered industry best practices.

The guidelines offer simple, practical tips that can improve cybersecurity in your organisation. For little or no cost and without needing expensive consultants. So, what can you expect on January 27 from Nutbourne? We’ll cover the five main areas of the Government’s Cyber Security Guidelines. But don’t worry, we won’t baffle you with ‘tech’ talk. Instead, Nutbourne’s Technical Director will offer practical steps to:
Effectively back up your data: Identify what needs backing up and to ensure business vital data is never compromised.

Keep your smart devices safe: Guidance on protection, tracking, data storage and upgrading.
Prevent malware damage: Protect your organisation from damage caused by malware by adopting simple, low cost techniques.
Avoid phishing attacks: Know how to spot, prevent and mitigate the risk posed by phishing, scam email and malicious websites.
Use passwords and two factor to protect data: Learn best practise for this free, easy and effective way to secure your organisation.
Contact Nutbourne
To learn how you can keep your organisation safe and secure in 2021, visit this link to attend our free cybersecurity workshop. To find out more about Nutbourne’s cybersecurity services, or any of our other IT solutions, then get in touch! Contact us today on 0203 137 7273 or by filling out our interactive online form.