Cloud computing has changed how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operate. It’s an affordable and scalable solution that helps them bridge the gap between them and bigger organisations. Moreover, it’s one of the most flexible and cost-effective IT resources available. And, like all other tech, it’s developing fast, which is helping SMEs to drive innovation and efficiencies.

Here’s how you can capitalise in the next 12 months.

Mix it up with hybrid and multicloud solutions.

Hybrid and multi-cloud give you the best of both worlds. Hybrid is where you use a combination of physical and cloud storage for data and apps. Multi is where you split across providers, platforms, or both. “Both give you a lot of flexibility,” says Nutbourne’s Marcus Evans. “You improve security and performance and get better resource management. You’re not locked in with a single vendor either. That means you can negotiate on price and service, especially if you need to scale.”

Live on the Edge.

Edge computing brings data processing closer to the source of data generation, i.e., closer to you. In so doing, it reduces latency and improves real-time data handling. So why is this good for SMEs? “It means faster response times,” says Evans. “And that in turn means more efficient data management. It benefits apps that need immediate data processing, like IoT devices. That gives you better operational efficiency and stronger real-time data.”

Jump on the AI bandwagon.

AI is arguably the next industrial revolution, so you’ll need to get involved. You can integrate it into your cloud services, giving you access to advanced tools. Things like automation and predictive maintenance, for example, can free up time. “That’ll give you more strategic focus,” says Evans. “It’ll also give you better insight from data analytics. That’s going to improve your decision-making and service.”

Bolster security.

Pretty much every cloud provider uses advanced security protocols. Things like AI-driven threat detection and multi-factor authentication bolster your data’s security. Moreover, they proactively identify and neutralise threats, keeping you compliant and secure. “This stuff comes as standard, so you get instant peace of mind,” says Evans. “It can also help to secure your remote network – which is vital for SMEs that use hybrid and remote working.”

Pay for what you use

Cloud computing leads to significant cost savings when done right. In most cases, you only pay for what you use. So whether you flex up or down according to demand, you should be paying the best price. “This is a no-brainer and should come as standard with your package,” says Evans. “If it doesn’t, switch providers. It’s a real quick win if you’re looking to save a bit of cash.”

The future of cloud computing for SMEs is bright. Ongoing advances will bring more flexibility, efficiency, and innovation. This will give you a major competitive advantage in the short term, and set you up for long-term success.

Not sure where to start or what you need? Drop us a line and we’ll point you in the right direction.